Letter from the Chief Executive – May 2022

May I start by offering you my congratulations on being elected as a member of Aberdeenshire Council.  As you will find out, my role – and that of all officers employed by the Council, is to support you so that you can be effective and efficient in your work as a Councillor.

My immediate priority over the next few weeks is to ensure that the transition into your new role as Councillor is made as easy as possible and that you have access to all the information and support you require.

This induction portal is the first part of that process, and it contains important information to help guide you in these early days.  There are also a number of forms that you need to complete and return.


  1. Declaration of Acceptance of Office

You will have been asked to sign this immediately after your election, by Karen Wiles, Head of Legal & People.  You may not act as a Councillor (this includes attending and voting at meetings) until you have signed the declaration of acceptance of office.  By signing this declaration, you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct for Councillors, a copy of which was handed to you at the count.  


  1. Register of Members’ Interests

You will receive an email asking you to complete the Notice of Registrable Interests, which should be completed and returned within one month, to Ann Riddell, Principal Committee Officer on behalf of the Head of Legal and People through committee.services@aberdeenshire.gov.uk.

You should be aware that the form will be placed in a statutory Register of Members’ Interests and will be open to public scrutiny. 


3. Questionnaire for Councillors

A link to an online Questionnaire for Councillors will be emailed to you.  This information will enable us to ensure that all services and the public are properly informed as to how you can be contacted so, please complete and return promptly.

If you wish Council mail to be addressed to somewhere other than your normal residence, please indicate this on the form.  If you prefer to be known by a name other than your full name, please also indicate that on the form.  All electronic communication will be via your Council e-mail address.


  1. Disclosure Scotland/PVG Checks for Councillors

To enable you to undertake the full range of duties as a Councillor, you will be subject to vetting under the terms of the Police Act 1997 legislation when a BASIC check is undertaken.  Dependant on which Policy Committee you may become a member of e.g., Education and Children’s Services, you may also be subject to vetting under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) legislation.  More information will be provided at the Familiarisation Day on 9 May.


If you have any questions on the numbered items above, please contact Karen Wiles, Head of Legal and People on 01467 536160 or at karen.wiles@aberdeenshire.gov.uk.

An induction programme has been arranged to help you to have a better understanding of the Council and how it works.  These sessions will help to familiarise you with the workings of the Council and key officers whom you are likely to come into contact with on a day-to-day basis. 

There are a number of additional items included in the induction portal which I hope you will find helpful.

You also have access to invaluable help and support from Members’ Support and their contact details are included in the quick links in the portal, along with other useful contact numbers.

Information on the service and management arrangements for the different council services are also detailed.

I look forward to welcoming you to the Council at the Familiarisation day on 9 May and to talk with you in more detail about how the Council works and the support you can expect as a Councillor.  I am looking forward to meeting and supporting you.

In the meantime, if there are any matters, relating to your membership of the Council, which you wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Yours sincerely

Jim Savege, Chief Executive

Contact Info

Name: Lorna Nicoll, Executive Assistant to Chief Executive.

Email: lorna.nicoll@aberdeenshire.gov.uk

Phone number: 01467 539 706