Induction videos

There is a comprehensive induction programme underway. All virtual sessions will be recorded. This will provide you with a useful resource for refreshing your memory at a later date. When a session has concluded, a link to the recording (on Stream, the video sharing platform in Office 365) will be posted below, reflecting the order of the seminar timetable.

Seminar Programme

Name of session DescriptionLink to recording on Stream
Familiarisation Day Day one in individual videos. Includes introductions to the Chief Executive, directors and important matters of Planning. Channel on Stream link
Corporate Day - part 1Covering Virtual Working EnvironmentStream link
Corporate Day - part 2Covering Code of Conduct, Governance, Equalities and Performance.Stream link
Corporate Day - part 3 An introduction to working with the media, a session on finance and corporate parenting. Stream link
Corporate Day - part 4 Introduction to Policy Committees. Stream link.
'How To Committee' part 1 Stream link
'How To Committee' part 2 Stream link
Media skills (including social media). An introduction to working with the media, and using social media to it's best advantage. Stream link
An introduction to Customer Services How the customer services team works, the Contact Centre, Service Points and Feedback teams. Stream link
An introduction to AVA and the Third Sector Interface An introduction to AVA and the Third Sector InterfaceLink to recording on Stream